14th SIMM-seminar (on research on music in detention) – Ghent, 11-13.11.2026

The 14th SIMM research seminar will – following a 1st such seminar in 2021 at CIPEM/INET-md (Centro de Investigação em Psicologia da Música e Educação Musical) in Porto – be organized in Ghent by the Chair Jonet of the University of Ghent) and the SIMM research platform and focused on research on music programmes in detention centres and prisons.

This 2nd edition in Ghent will welcome a small group of post-graduate students, early-career as well as experienced researchers – who are all involved in ongoing research on the possible role of music in detention – to spend from 11 to 13th November 2026 a 3-day research seminar during which they can share their research experiences and methodology with each other.

The following facilitators will help the sharing of experiences and ideas and research methodologies: An De bisschop (Chair Jonet), Filip Verneert (Chair Jonet), Silke Marynissen (Free University Brussels), and assisted by Lukas Pairon (SIMM / Chair Jonet).

The scientific committee for this seminar is composed of: Brydie-Leigh Bartleet (president of SIMM), An De bisschop (Chair Jonet), Filip Verneert (Chair Jonet), Silke Marynissen (Free University Brussels), and Lukas Pairon (SIMM / Chair Jonet).

Listening to certain SIMM-podcast episodes will give you an idea of what the seminar in Ghent could be about: You can hear an interview with Mary Cohen during the 3rd episode of the SIMM-podcast. And during the 10th episode we interviewed Ailbhe Kenny, Ines Lamela and Graça Mota, as well as researcher Aine Mangaoang.


Call for participants:

Expressions of interest should be sent no later than 15th Apil 2026 by email to Lukas Pairon (lukas.pairon@simm-platform.eu).

This should include your name, institutional affiliation, current professional role(s), a 200 word statement of relevant professional experience and background in research, why you wish to attend this seminar, and what your interest and experience is in research on the role music can play in social and community work.

The selection of those welcomed to be part of this seminar will be communicated the latest before 30th May 2026.

Those selected for this seminar will only need to cover their travel costs, meals and accomodation.