Since January 2021, we started our own podcast. We already have more than 3500 listeners (24.02.2025). The SIMM-podcast proposes interviews with researchers and practitioners involved in developing research on the role music-making can play in social and community projects. Our podcast can be found on more than 10 different podcast-directories, including on Apple, on Google, and on Spotify.

These are the podcast episodes you can already listen to:

– SIMM-podcast #1: interviews with the 5th annual SIMM-posium keynote-speaker Geoffrey Baker (UK) and with 2017-2021 SIMM-president John Sloboda (UK)

– SIMM-podcast #2: on what musicians can expect from participating as trainers in in social and community music projects, and what their needs are in terms of training and accompaniment, including interviews with An De Bisschop (Belgium), André de Quadros (USA) and Mattias Laga (Belgium)

– SIMM-podcast #3: on research on music programmes in detention, including interviews with John Speyer (UK),  Mary Cohen (USA) and André de Quadros (USA)

– SIMM-podcast #4: on questions which they hope to be able to discuss during the 5th SIMM-posium, including interviews with John Sloboda (UK) and Brydie Bartleet (Australia)

– SIMM-podcast #5: on what motivates musicians to want to engage themselves in social and community music projects, including interviews with Graça Mota (Portugal), Khamis Abu Shaaban (Gaza), Cathy Milliken (Australia), and Bart Maris (Belgium)

– SIMM-podcast #6: on  the practice of – and research on – social and community music projects in Brazil and in Latin America, with an interview of Samuel Araujo (Brazil)

SIMM-podcast #7: on the practice of – and research on – social and community music projects in the Global South, including interviews with Maria Majno (Italy) and Gillian Howell (Australia)

SIMM-podcast #8: on research on social and community music projects in the Global South (research developed by local scholars as well as by researchers from the Global North), including interviews with  Juan Sebastian Rojas (Colombia), Natalia Puerta Gordillo (Colombia) and Tinashe Mutero (Zimbabwe)

SIMM-podcast #9: on what motivates facilitators (musicians and cultural workers) to want to engage themselves in social and community music projects, including interviews with  Inês Lamela (Portugal), Dirk Proost (Belgium), Filip Verneert (Belgium) and Sarah Thery (France)

SIMM-podcast #10: on research on music programmes in detention, including interviews with  Inês Lamela (Portugal), Graça Mota (Portugal), Aine Mangaoang (Ireland-Norway) and Ailbhe Kenny (Ireland).

– SIMM-podcast #11: is presenting the French social music programme DEMOS, including interviews with Gilles Delebarre and Indiana Wollman (DEMOS, France)

SIMM-podcast #12: about the impact of the groups of participants in social and community music programmes often being   pluriversally composed, including interviews with Cathy Milliken (Australia), Sean Prieske (Germany) and Frank Heuser (USA)

SIMM-podcast #13: on which music is being proposed, played, created and composed in social and community music programmes, including interviews with Fiona Evison (Canada), Bart Maris (Belgium), Georgia Nicolaou (Cyprus) and Patrick Murray (Canada)

– SIMM-podcast #14: on training and accompanying programmes proposed to musicians and social and community workers including interviews with Jonathan Vaughan (UK), Louise Zeitlin (USA), Bernard Foccroulle (Belgium) and André de Quadros (India-USA)

SIMM-podcast #15: on Hartmut Rosa‘s book ‘Resonance’, with sociologist Hartmut Rosa (Germany) himself, and also including interventions by musicians Tom Pauwels (Belgium), Chrissy Dimitriou (Greece), Michael Schmidt (Germany) and Filip Verneert (Belgium)

SIMM-podcast #16: presents the 5th edition of the Compendium of Music as a Global Resource, which you can read online here.  SIMM-director Lukas Pairon interviews the 2 co-editors Barbara Hesser and Brydie-Leigh Bartleet.

SIMM-podcast #17: presents participatory projects of opera and music theatre by three practitioners developing projects in this field: singers Paulo Lameiro and Sarah Théry, and stage director Claire Pasquier.

SIMM-podcast #18: presents research on the practice of participatory opera and music theatre by Graça Mota, François Matarasso and Imogen Flower

SIMM-podcast #19: presents biologist Olivier Hamant (Institut Michel Serre) and musician Jean-Luc Plouvier (Ictus Ensemble) discussing ideas and experiences they share from their work on the natural world and the world of music-making

SIMM-podcast #20: presents interviews the role composers can play within the development of participatory music projects, with 3 composers-researchers Cathy Milliken from Australia, Michal Kawecki from Poland, and Fiona Evison from Canada. the focus of this episode is.